Write some words about you and your blog here


It has been a year and a month since I have seen you
It has been that long since you've tugged at my
heartsrings because you're so dazzling
You knocked me off my feet
Made me fly into the heavens so early
It seems ages ago but just a year
I have been blind for a year because of you
I have seen no one but you
I have always hoped that every guy
in the street was you
But never happened reality's so cruel
Whenever I missed seeing you for a day or two,
I would get your picture under my pillow
Just stare at your face until dawn breaks
Stolen shots of you in the hallway or library
I got chances whenever you look the other way
or when you're so busy chatting with your friends
I had been addicted to you
Not seeing you for a day kills my soul
I had sleepless nights thinking about you
At first, it was just admiration
Liked you for fun to enchance the color of my life
But never wanted to become a victim of love
I was blindly insane and I fell in-love with you
I fell in-love to a guy who only knows me as a girl
A schoolmate, a classmate, a textmate, whatever mate
but not a soulmate.
I became insomniac thinking of ways to confess to you
I had so many plans but zero actions
I decided to stop loving you but
I can't 'cause you're always here at my heart
You're always there in the corners of my eyes
I am insane to love somebody like you
I am blind to overlook our various differences
Until at this point I'm writing this much likely a letter
than a poem
I hear your laughter
I see your smile
I feel your kindness
I am dazzled
I smiled.
Even if I wanted to love you so badly.
Even if I wanted to tell you and the world that I love
you so dearly...
I had to..
I will end this insanity.
I can't be insane because of you.
You're not mine to stay in my heart.
I can't be blinded forever by you.
As I end this,
I have to stop loving you,
I am not a coward
Even if I can't fight for you
I have to stop my insanity
I have to clearly see everything
'Cause I made a commitment above
The promise,
It's confidential
Just between Him and Me.
We had a deal.
I could forget my love for you.
Maybe not as fast as you think
But don't worry, I'll be fine...
Because He is with me...